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Anonymous Takes Down 20 Thai Prison Websites

Anonymous Takes Down 20 Thai Prison Websites


Anonymous' crusade against the Thai justice system continues today, with the group bringing down 20 websites belonging to the Thai prison system.
Members of the Blink Hacker Group, who affiliate with the Anonymous movement, have taken credit for the attacks, which started last night.
Twenty websites were targeted, and 19 of them are still down. Only the site for the Corrections Department is online at the time of writing this article. The full list of targeted websites can be found on the group's Facebook page.
Previously, the same hacking crew also launched DDoS attacks against 300 Thai court websites, even leaking 1GB of data from Thailand's Supreme Court.
Before that, the group also took down 14 websites belonging to Thai police. All these attacks are part of the #OpBoycottThailand operation that was started after two Myanmar workers were sentenced to death after being accused of the murder of two British tourists on the Koh Tao island.
Anonymous has released a 37-minute video (see below) in which it accuses Thai police of faking evidence and torture so it could get a confession out of the two. The group has also presented a list of previous cases where Thai police may have also used the same tactics.
The hacking group is accusing the Thai government of only trying to protect its public image as a tourist-friendly country, even if it means sending innocent men to death, based on a flawed investigation.

